
Music Taste Here!

Pro-wrestling Stuff!


You ever get the feeling that the people around you don't really like you? Not at home, but at work, I've
noticed a shift in how people talk to me. I wonder if I come off as a crab sometimes, but truth is I've
been tired, sleepy, and just sick of everything lately. Health isn't exactly great, I've got long covid
symptoms. I should be in bed by now. I've got AEW on right now though, I'm trying to catch up on episodes
when I get off work. I'll go to bed after.


Uhh, so my eyes have been constantly on updating this since yesterday, and now it's all I really wanna do.
Really taking me back to my old MySpace days when customixing your profile was a thing. I missed that about
pretty much all social media these days. So this has been a space that has been rewarding despite my short
period using it.

Anyway, I have to go to work soon. Still feel very blehh today.